HomeStoriesThe origin of glasses and the reason for their existence

The origin of glasses and the reason for their existence

Date:2022.10.26   Views:625

The prototype of glasses began with the crystal convex mirror of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and a small and delicate crystal magnifying glass was unearthed in the tomb of Liu Jing in the Quanshan Mountain of Yangzhou, Jiangsu. It is a crystal convex mirror, round, and set in a ring-shaped gold circle, which magnifies objects five times.

Liu Jing is the son of Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which shows that as early as the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, China's mirror-making technology and craftsmanship were already very advanced. This laid a solid foundation for the advent of glasses. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Shi Xin, a prison official, first invented shaped glasses. The shape is an oval lens made of rock crystals, rose-colored quartz, yellow jade and amethyst.

Marco Polo of Italy came to China at the end of the 13th century. Later, he recorded in "Marco Polo's Travels": Chinese elderly people wear glasses when reading small print.

It can be seen that in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty in China, glasses were widely used. He did not return to his country until 1295, while his father, Nicolo Polo, and uncle Marfio Polo, had come to China to trade long before 1269. His father and uncle had already brought this stuff back to Italy by then.

Extended profileThe role of glasses

1. Wearing glasses can correct vision

Myopic eyes because the distant light cannot be focused on the retina, resulting in unclear vision, and after wearing myopic glasses, you can obtain a clear object, so that the vision can be corrected.

2. Wearing glasses can reduce visual fatigue

Myopia without glasses will inevitably lead to glasses fatigue, and the result can only be to promote the deepening of the prescription. After wearing glasses normally, eye fatigue will be greatly reduced.

3. Wearing glasses can prevent and treat exodiatribe

When myopia is nearsighted, the adjustment effect of the eye is weakened, and over time, the effect of the external rectus muscle of the eye exceeds that of the internal rectus muscle, which will cause exotropia of the eye. Of course, myopia with exotropia can still be corrected by myopia.

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